All of us at Frause were so excited about starting a blog; we spent hours fighting over who would be responsible for the content. We drew straws, played rock paper scissors, even thumb wrestled for the honor. It turns out our interns have some strong thumbs (not to mention opinions). They also have the best opportunity to provide a “fly on the wall” look into the workings of Frause. Without further ado, we present Frause – through the eyes of our interns!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Frause Gives Back

Two weeks ago I had the privilege of tutoring a few kids at Treehouse, a public-private partnership dedicated to helping children in foster care. Every week Frause sends two employees from their Seattle office to Treehouse for their after-school tutoring program. I was lucky enough to be accompanied by my co-worker Nathan Hambley when we found ourselves helping kids with their math skills.

Thank goodness I was able to file through my dusty cabinets and remember high school algebra! When I first stepped into Treehouse the supervisors asked me how capable I was with junior high and high school math. I mustered up enough confidence to give the answer, “Of course I know algebra!”

Although I was feeling a bit overwhelmed, my 1-2-3’s all came rushing back. Soon I was remembering the FOIL rule and how to find the common denominator. It was such a delight to laugh and giggle with the kids as we worked through math homework. Remembering back to my struggles in high school and the awkward years of junior high, I felt rewarded to give back what I had learned as a child.

I believe my education is a powerful tool and it is necessary to encourage students in the community to achieve the same success. It is also an honor to be a part of a firm such as Frause that gives me the opportunity to give back to the community.

- Sarah Essary

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